Displaying 1 - 36 of 216 results



MEC asks you to 'Brave Your Bias' at Advertising Week New York

MEC has launched a global industry-wide initiative to celebrate difference and raise more visibility of inclusion as a critical business imperative. Debuting at New York’s Advertising Week, “Brave Your Bias” implores people to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Free The Bid aims to break gender bias in advertising once and for all

Gender bias has, until now, been one of those issues a lot of us like to sweep under the rug, even though we all understand it's a major problem. For many, it's a lingering reminder of a bygone age of rampant misogyny and prejudice that we'd rather...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Your unconscious bias is showing, Kevin Roberts

Saatchi & Saatchi's Kevin Roberts exposed an unconscious bias with his controversial comments about gender diversity, but the debate is far from over, says the founder of Creative Equals. Kevin Roberts, Saatchi & Saatchi executive chairman and head...

Posted by: Creative Equals


The Elephant In The Conference Room

Overcoming Confirmation Bias To Improve Business Outcomes Of all the cognitive biases that affect business, confirmation bias might be the most insidious. It’s a challenge for many companies that can negatively impact performance. Smart...

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


How to build high-value brands (and why you want one)

It was a fact not lost on George Clooney when he and Rande Gerber started Casamigos Tequila: strong brands are worth more. Casamigos, launched in 2013, sold four years later for a cool $1B netting Clooney an easy $233M. Not bad. The financial value...

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


​Cause, effect and Ugg Boots - leaving logic at the door

Niamh Murphy, Head of Planning and Behavioural Science at In the Company of Huskies, on letting go of logic, rationalising in uncertain times, and the brands that are shaking things up with their pulling power. The difference between changing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#SummerSOwhite live nationwide

Following the success of this year's #EasterSOwhite, Primesight is pleased to once again be showcasing work from the #SoWhiteProject. The work will be live this weekend across Primesight's entire digital 48-sheet and 96-sheet estate. #SummerSOwhite...

Posted by: Primesight


Trends of Today Shaping the Agency of Tomorrow

In anticipation of our next CS Presents which explores the Agency landscape in 2020 we asked our speakers to take a peek into a crystal ball and predict which main trend of today will have the most impact on the Agency of Tomorrow. Here is what they...

Posted by: Daniele Fiandaca


#GettingToKnow Nataly Kelly, CMO of Zappi

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? I’m based in Boston, and I generally start my workday rather early, by checking in with our Zappi teams in Europe. We begin each day with a daily virtual stand-up in our...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The importance of curating AI generated content

In an era of pervasive machine learning, Generative AI has captured public fascination with accessible tools like Stable Diffusion and Chat GPT, enabling users to effortlessly craft realistic creative content. However, these tools can also...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Hype Cycle of Generative AI Will Plateau. What Happens Next?

Gartner’s hype cycle of a product or service begins when it’s new, shiny, and all the rage. The market buzz increases, and people can’t stop talking about it. Quickly, it hits the peak of inflated expectations. As the interest and...

Posted by: CARMA


The important role of creatives in a post-truth world

Post-truth is, when taken on its own terms, is a pretty terrifying concept. Without the truth, the objective becomes subjective, and facts can be acknowledged or ignored based on personal bias. What you’re left with is the cultural and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Past Reimagined

Making cultural heritage relevant and popular to new generations When we explore our past, it is not because we want to go back to what our ancestors were but because we search for our connection to the stories, the songs, the lives and the rituals...

Posted by: Klaus



The other day, for reasons I hope are for the best, I was locked-out of LinkedIn. Something to do with the fact, I suspect, that I forgot my password (senior moments, I know.) As a result, my account was suspended pending “account...

Posted by: Richard


Why you need to know your users in order to motivate them

Altrix is one of our success stories: a disruptive approach to easing nursing shortages, saving the NHS millions, and giving agency nurses a better deal. In this article, we explain how we took a fresh look at the Altrix Customer Experience via a...

Posted by: Despark


International collaboration in the modern workplace

Creating, cultivating, and maintaining a collaborative culture across global teams is vital for international businesses who want to succeed. In doing this well, businesses gain new perspectives to better be able to innovate and grow. With the new...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why diverse viewpoints make for fintech success

One of the biggest challenges, as companies grow, is maintaining the disruptive and change-making spark that made them unique in the first place. It’s therefore vital that they stick to their core values when evolving the culture and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


More play, please - Exploring the power of play

It’s not just brands that boost their juice by being ‘playful’. Any kind of interaction, from museums to retail to software to government can learn from the players out there who stay open to fresh ideas, exploration and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can narrative monitoring turn the tide on harmful brand content?

The pandemic has highlighted the importance of credible and reliable information. However, the reliance on user-generated content online as a source of truth for news has increased the risk of exposure to bias, misinformation and potentially harmful...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Check out the most mind-blowing print campaigns of 2021

If you’re among those who believe print is dead (or dying), you clearly haven’t seen the best print campaigns of 2021. Print is certainly far from dead, and in fact, it may stick around for a very long time still, in one form or...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Can retail experiences discriminate?

From the perspective of store design, how can the physical environment discriminate in retail? Discrimination is traditionally defined as unjust or prejudicial treatment of people based on a number of protected characteristics, including; age, sex,...

Posted by: Quinine


How to handle a PR crisis: the best examples from brands

Whether we’re speaking about our economy or the reputation of a brand, there’s no denying that 2020 has been a year littered with crises here and there. We've seen different kinds of responses here and there, and if you are a brand, you...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


From maths to Grey London with CCO Laura Jordan Bambach

Try having a quick chat with Grey London Chief Creative Officer Laura Jordan Bambach and you'll be able to spot, in just a few minutes, the very source of her success in the industry. A caring leader, an empathic creative and a driven entrepreneur,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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